plano | References

Top references of plano solutions GmbH

With plano WFM, we optimize shift scheduling for companies of all sectors and sizes, thus ensuring the best possible deployment of employees and their manpower.

Our References

Over 360 companies around the world are already planning with plano, across all branches.

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AXA Logo
DB Logo
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Logo
Fraport Logo
Sparkassen Logo
unitymedia Logo
plano top reference, R+V flags in front of bureau building

R+V Versicherung AG

Automated and fair staff scheduling


Banks & Insurance Companies

Number of employees

approx. 16,000

plano in use

plano Optimizer (Annual absence planning), plano Forecast (Service planning), plano Interfaces (SAP), plano Reporting , myplano 

Case Study
plano top Reference, Vivantes logo at building

Vivantes – Netzwerk für Gesundheit GmbH

Consistently digital to preferred shift schedule and employer attractiveness


Healthcare Sector

Number of employees

approx. 19,000

plano in use

plano Basis, plano Roster, plano Reporting, plano Interfaces, Employee Self-Service Portal ESS, Shift Scheduling App myplano, plano Service Line

Case Study
Top-Referenz-Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach

Theater Krefeld und Mönchengladbach gGmbH

The path to digital and modern shift scheduling



Authority / Public Sector

Number of employees


plano in use

plano Roster, Dynamic Reporting, Shift Scheduling App myplano, Employee Self-Service Portal ESS, plano Time Recording, Interface / plano Toolbox 

Case Study
plano Top Reference, GRC District Association Kassel Region, person with DRK labeled jacked

GRC District Association Kassel Region e.V.

More flexibility and customized shift scheduling for 500 employees



Healthcare Sector

Number of employees


plano in use

Employee Self-Service Portal ESS, Shift Scheduling App myplano, Service-Line, Reporting 

Case Study

What Our Customers Say

1,000,000 users in 33 countries — How we successfully implement workforce management for our customers

  • Miriam Mertens, Prokuristin & Leiterin Personal und Organisation, Theater Krefeld und Mönchengladbach

    We were looking for software that, on the one hand, reflects the regulations of the collective agreement for the public sector, but on the other hand is also flexible enough to map and implement the very specific circumstances we have at the theater.

  • Reinhard Rehm-Rink, nutzt Plano für DRK-Kreisverband Kassel-Wolfhagen e.V.

    With plano WFM, our employees can now plan their schedules flexibly and according to their own personal circumstances. It’s great!

  • Referenzbild Flughaven - hier ist plano Aviation im Einsatz

    The entire plano package is consistent and I highly recommend it. The service, customer focus, and product are fantastic!

  • Referenzbild mit Frau welcher für den Ensatz der plano Dienstplanung bei AVE steht

    Before the plano modules were implemented, staffing was planned in one day for one day, but now, scheduling is done for the entire week in just one day.

Our Success in Numbers

How do our customers plan with plano WFM?

From retail to contact centers: We would be happy to give you an insight into our projects. Get in touch with us!

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Frau präsentiert myplano-App auf Smartphone, Tablet und Laptop

Your Best Solution in Three Steps

You take the first step. We’ll take care of the rest.

Frau mit Laptop und plano Software auf Stuhl
  • 1

    Initial meeting and as-is process analysis

    In our first meeting, we will analyze your current state. Within the scope of an as-is process analysis, we will determine problem areas and discuss initial solution steps with plano WFM.

  • 2

    Evaluation and strategy

    We define your concrete requirements in a functional specification document, finetune the contents, and plan implementation with plano WFM.

  • 3

    Implementation and further development

    We configure and implement the software based on your requirements. After a test phase, approval and rollout of the system will take place. Even after this step, we will continue to support you with heart and mind.


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Frau macht ein Herz mit ihren Händen

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    Letter of motivation, CV & other documents as PDF.

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    Great that you want to meet us

    Register now for the plano Campus. ATTENTION! There is a new registration procedure. Please register each participant individually and with their own email address!

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    Work with us to find the best solution for your company too.
    Make an appointment now for a free, no-obligation product demo.

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